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Plastikāta, koka un alumīnija logi - ražošana un uzstādīšana

Tas ir optimāls risinājums standarta sērijveida dzīvokļiem un privātmājām. PVC durvis un logi dominē tirgū, pateicoties drošai konstrukcijai.

Alumīnija durvis, logi un fasādes ir visai izturīgas un uzticamas. Tas ir labākais risinājums sabiedriskajām un ražošanas būvēm.

Koka durvis un logi piešķir mājai siltumu un mājīgumu. Koks – dabīgākais un ekoloģiski tīrs materiāls, kuram nav aizvietojuma!

Metāla durvis uzskata par visdrošākajām dzīvoklim vai mājai. Ir iespēja izgatavot durvis pēc pasūtījuma, izmantojot slēdzenes un rezerves daļas, kas aizsargā no zādzībām.

Ražots Latvijā

Ražots Latvijā
+371 282 282 80


Ar pirmo aukstuma vilni bieži vien rodas jautājums, vai nav par vēlu logu nomaiņai pirms ziemas. Tomēr eksperti apgalvo, ka ziemas sākums nav šķērslis, lai neveiktu šos darbus. Rīgas Log...


Logu efektivitāte ir būtisks faktors mājokļa energoefektivitātei un komfortam, jo tieši logi bieži vien ir galvenais siltuma zudumu avots. Arvien vairāk iedzīvotāju interesējas par divu un trīs...


Ziema tuvojas, un līdz ar to arī laiks, kad siltums mājoklī kļūst par prioritāti. Ja jūsu mājas vai dzīvokļa logi jau kādu laiku ir novecojuši, šobrīd ir īstais brīdis tos nomainīt &ndas...


Ja esat sākuši būvēt savu sapņu māju, logu uzstādīšana ir viens no svarīgākajiem soļiem, ko nedrīkst atlikt līdz ziemai. Šeit ir daži iemesli, kāpēc jaunbūvi atstāt bez logiem uz ...


Klientu atsauksmes

I would like to express my gratitude to all the employees of Rigas Logi for the professional installation of interior doors made of natural oak veneer. The work was done quickly and efficiently. The doors look simply amazing, they fit perfectly into the interior, adding warmth and comfort to our home. I would especially like to note the high quality of the materials: the veneer really looks like natural wood, with excellent texture and color, and the structure itself is strong and reliable. The installation went without any problems, the technicians worked carefully and left a clean finish. We are very pleased with the result! We will recommend your company to friends and acquaintances!

Olga Gajevska

We would like to thank the company for the excellent work, for installing sliding aluminum systems on our balcony. Everything happened quickly and without problems. Specialists promptly performed measurements and offered the most suitable solution for the room. The glazing itself looks modern and stylish, and thanks to the sliding system, the balcony became much more comfortable and spacious. Very good quality of materials - aluminum profiles are durable, accurately processed, but the glass units fit perfectly. The installation went without dust and dirt, the masters left everything in order. We were very satisfied and now enjoy the comfort of the balcony all year round. We recommend this company to everyone who wants high-quality and reliable glazing!

Viktor Maksimov

Currently, there are not a few window and door manufacturers on the Latvian market. We chose the company Rīgas Logi and we absolutely do not regret it. All wishes and requirements were fulfilled. The quality of both the product and the work was very satisfying. Deadlines were met. We are very grateful for the attitude towards work and for us as customers, for a special approach. We want to continue to grow and develop! Thank you!

Sergejs Masaļskis

We ordered windows for our home from this company and did not regret it! It's nice when the service is provided by professionals, and not by would-be amateurs. We arrived, measured everything, sent a price offer (which turned out to be much more attractive than in other companies - not Poland, but super-sophisticated German windows!!!), ordered and installed. Everything is clear, fast, professional! It’s very strange to read about negative experiences working with this company (apparently a coincidence) - in our case everything is perfect. Special thanks to the head of the company, Alexey! We received answers to all our questions and received really practical recommendations during construction (unfortunately, the builders didn’t even bother about many important nuances). Windows for every taste and color (it all depends on the possibilities) - we chose a light gray frame - it looks simply unreal!!! And the almost eternal aluminum door to the terrace is a separate story! Definitely recommend!!

Alina Žuravļova
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