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Futer windows

Futer windows are most often chosen when it is necessary to replace the ancient original windows in projects, where it is important to keep not only the design, but also the historical fittings.

This allows restoring buildings in accordance with the requirements of architects, giving the windows additional security, heat and sound insulation.

Most often, this type of window has several wings opening in one direction - inward. The window can be equipped with a restored historical or new fittings and shutters. Also, we offer a variety of removable or fixed decorative rails.

If the upper wings can be opened, but they are hard to reach, we offer to equip the window with a special opening mechanism. This allows convenient, efficient and safe to ventilate premises.

Standard or patterned wooden capitals will add extra style to the design of the window facade.

In order to adapt the shade of the windows as close as possible to the historical one, we offer high-quality Remmers and Sigma paints and varnishes from the catalogues of RAL or NCS in a wide range.
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